The Let's Play Archive

Betrayal at Krondor

by PurpleXVI

Part 26: Explosion Chest, Explosion City and Explosion Cave, Part 2

Update 25: Explosion Chest, Explosion City and Explosion Cave, Part 2

Heading back north to just before the "fuck you for existing"-trap chest, we can find this river and follow along it into a narrow crevice that might not at first seem navigable.

Following it, there are a couple of tents, each with their own dialogue attached.

BaK posted:

The tents were perfectly positioned for an army marching south from Sar-Sargoth toward the garrison at Highcastle. Gorath pulled back the flap and took a look inside the tent. "Owyn, I'll stand watch out here, you go inside and take a look around."

Owyn did as instructed. He let his eyes adjust to the murky light inside the tent, then began a careful search.


Moving with great stealth, Owyn and Gorath approached the tent and peered inside. While it looked to be of moredhel origin, the few items they saw did not.

"Nothing of real value in here," Gorath said quietly. "But this is definitely a goblin dwelling. We must be very careful in this area."


There were shuffling sounds coming from inside the tent.

Gorath approached cautiously, and was about to whisper something to Owyn when he suddenly stopped, his furrowed brows revealing a deep concern.

Without warning, a large goblin lunged out of the tent, grabbing Gorath. Their violent struggle carried them back inside. Then, before Owyn could make a move to help, the conflict came to an end with a loud crunching snap!

Rushing inside, Owyn found Gorath holding a lifeless goblin, its head twisted to the side at a very unnatural angle. The body dropped to the dirt floor with a dull thud.

They searched the body and tent thoroughly, finding a small box in the corner with 25 gold sovereigns and a list of objects for sale. The list included naphtha and human slaves!

Mostly what stands out here is that no, this isn't positioned well for someone heading south to Highcastle. For someone heading south to Yabon, certainly. :v:

Anyway, the moment I try to move these two kleptomaniac murderers past this location, Gorath interrupts with some dialogue.

Why are we even doing this? Why don't we simply head south?

Obkhar is a name familiar to me and I believe he may serve a purpose with his freedom. Kin to me in irritation, he has pricked Delekhan's ire times enough that we may depend he will avenge himself upon his captor.

You're hoping that he's as much a bother to Delekhan as Narab then... So what will we need to do?

Venutrier of Lan operates in this locale and is known as a trader of slaves. I will offer you into slavery...

You're going to what?!

Do not alarm yourself overmuch. Venutrier would have no need of a scrawny young boy in his naphtha caves and will undoubtedly insist I see his operations--- reassurance you will not be ill treated -- and when we have entered the caves, undoubtedly the both of us will be taken captive.

This is your brilliant plan? We just got away from Delekhan in Sar-Sargoth and you want to get us taken captive again?

We have a way out, however. As you may detect by the stench of this river that runs hard by, the naphtha mixes with it from and underground river which runs through the caves -- it has since the day Guy du Bas-Tyra torched Armengar. I know this because I have had words with others once held captive by Venutrier. Once we are ready to leave, we dive in the underground river and will emerge somewhere downstream.

No one has ever died doing this?

I have met none that have. Come, we have business to attend to.

In the book, Irmelyn is a bit less of an asshole and is actually the one who proposes this plan as well as arranges for it to actually function through bribing guards inside the mine. It's also a rare bit of humour from Gorath. Yeah, I'm certain no one who's died from this has come back to complain about it. :v:

Still, we can't have a bridge in BaK without some jackass putting a magical trap on it.

Once again, mostly consists of red herrings. Just nudge the solid crystal over to the left so it blocks that cannon and then skedaddle around it.

On the far side is a veritable forest of chests(containing a shitload of Naphtha and some spare change), but the moment we start to walk towards them, someone interrupts us.

BaK posted:

A figure lurched from the mines.

The man had black hair, cropped short over his expansive forehead, revealing a dark birthmark which curled from his hairline to just below his left eye. Looking them over, he nodded to Gorath.

But I am very interested in your commerce sir and that is the very reason I sought you out. I wish to sell you the boy.


Pah, pitiful! He bawls like a calf! We'd have to feed him a herd to get enough meat on his bones. He's weak, probably diseased. Doesn't look as if he's eaten in weeks.

His looks are deceptive. Singlehandedly he slew my partner with a kitchen knife and he broke my mate's arm. He will grow into an even stronger man.

Impressive, but he sounds like trouble. We'd have to fight him every day to keep him from escaping.

I'm not getting sold to anybody!

A mercenary is of little good if he is easily overcome, don't you think? Break his will and he will be invaluable to you.

He looks noble and I don't want bounty hunters sent from the Kingdom in my business.

He was a chamber boy of no importance. You'll have no trouble with him.

Of no importance?!

A hundred fifty sovereigns, take it or leave it. But before we clap hands on this, would you care to view our operations here?

An intriguing notion... If it would not trouble you?

No trouble at all. My guards will escort you.

BaK posted:

Moredhel surrounded them.

Chuckling to himself, Venutrier looked the pair of them over as if they were oxen bought at the market, examining first Owyn and then Gorath with greater interest. "Too easy," he said with a sigh. "What kind of fool do you take me for? The boy is of no use, Gorath, but you are a prime slave indeed. You will enjoy your new life below."

Seized by a myriad of hands, they were dragged to the mouth of the cavern and thrown in. For an eternity it seemed they stumbled down steps...

I'm not sure if Owyn is a great actor or if this bit was written without considering that Gorath and Owyn already went over the plan. :v:

Real dark in here, maybe we should light a torch.

Doing that just kills you flat out dead with no warning. :v: Just instantly kicked back to the main menu, gruesome. Also, unlike Narab's men, Venutrier's guards are too stupid to take away the party's swords, crossbows, magic staves and large stashes of medicine/drugs.

So obviously I cast Candle Glow instead. This is the one use case for Rings of Prandur except... Owyn starts with Candle Glow, so it's not like you could pick up a few rings instead of spending money on the spell, and it's not like you could get here without him or anything. So ehn. They're still kind of useless.

The enemies in here are no big deal, mostly a few packs of goblins who... still manage to stick Owyn with 100% poison, the absolute pricks. Fucking goblins. Most of them are unavoidable, but these are especially unavoidable since they're protecting a chest we gotta break into.

BaK posted:

Meant to be worn over the nose and mouth, the mask had been stitched together from a refuse heap assortment of dyed cloth, fish bone, wooden slats and discarded spinner's string.

It's worth noting that in the book these vapor masks are made from dragon lung tissue which is kind of badass and is a decent explanation for why people in a fantasy society might hunt and kill dragons, if their tissues can substitute for some of the stuff you usually only get in an industrialized society a couple hundred years further down the road. We need these to get out of here.

It's not all goblins down here, though...

Hatchling Wyverns spit out "fireballs" that do about 25 damage per attack, thus a single one is no big deal. Wyvern Eggs are the material component for Thy Master's Will, a spell we won't have for another several chapters, which instantly makes a wyvern fuck off. They're just not strong enough to warrant that sort of specialty treatment or waste of my inventory space, however.

It's guarding a door that leads to...

An overconfident Witch Hag. This engine doesn't ever seem to dabble in mid-battle reinforcements unless they're summons from spells in any case, so I'm not even sure it's something the game could handle. In any case, she's kind of a trap because she guards some trapped chests in this dungeon. None of them are instant kills or anything, but if you're not obsessively resting up to full after every battle, it could absolutely ruin your day.

You know, none of these guards have been a challenge. Why don't we just kill the guards at the entrance and walk Obkhar out the front door once we find him?
At this point mostly because I'd feel silly going through that entire charade and then not completing it.

BaK posted:

Gorath halted.

Staring at Owyn intently, he waited for the boy to explain himself.

"You tapped me on the shoulder. You wished to speak to me?" Gorath rumbled.

"No," a voice answered behind them. "I did..."

Obkhar is one of the rare actors for this game who manage to pull off looking like not just an intern wearing a funny hat.

Not all who live in the Northlands bend to Delekhan's will. Providence would have it that he posted a guard outside my cell who was a close cousin and sympathetic to my situation. He bought time for my escape.

So your cousin's head now hangs in your stead... You have a grave responsibility on your shoulders.

All the more reason to see an end to Delekhan's reign, Obkhar! He shall pay his blood for mine; for each offense against my kin, I will redouble it against his flesh. I will allow him no quarter, give him no mercy, stay no blow against him for all he has done to our people. I should think you would agree, Obkhar!

On the graves of all he has slain, I swear that my cause is yours Gorath! However I may aid you, you need only ask. But all this talk is fruitless. We must first escape this place or there shall be nothing left to avenge.

I have been told by some who were taken captive here before that there is a river that runs underground and mixes with the Isbandi river...

I have seen it with my own eyes, but the fumes that come from it may rob the strength from a man.

On occasion I have seen some of Venutrier's men wearing masks made of bone and cloth... If we three had them, I believe we could make the escape.

It is providence then we have already obtained them. Take this one and make good your escape.

I see that there are many in the Northlands who will have amends to make once this war of Delekhan's has been halted.

In amends I have no interest, Obkhar. I am long past thoughts of the throne in Sar-Sargoth. I dream only of an end to this nightmare.

It is a sadness that those who most should lead often wish anything other. But I will not force you to take that which you do not want. You are an honorable creature, Gorath.

Small comfort in a world gone mad. Go, Obkhar, and good health. Let us divide and conquer.

The encounter is much the same in the books, except that there Gorath and Obkhar have a lot more history, with Obkhar having a large scar that Gorath gave him at some point in the past. They seem to have mostly put that aside, though, casually swearing they'll settle their score one day but not really putting a lot of feeling into it. They're clearly closer to friends than enemies, despite their shared past.

Past Obkhar is this dark chamber full of corpses and, in the distance, some water. Once we approach it(after looting all the corpses within reach, of course)...

BaK posted:

Owyn felt dizzy.

His head spinning from the strong effects of the fumes within the cavern, he stared at the naphtha tainted water.

"Are you prepared for the swim?" Gorath asked, "Or do you need to prepare for a bit?"


As he fit the vapor mask over his mouth and nose he studied the water before him, watched as it poured in a never ending stream into the rock cave where he knew it must, eventually, empty back into the open air...and freedom.

Breathing deeply through the mask, he felt his head finally clear and he dropped into the river, Gorath splashing in beside him. The icy water was almost painful against his skin and he found it somewhat ironic the vapor mask had finally allowed him to breathe a little easier, but now the cold had taken that luxury away.

Struggling against his pain he let the water carry him until he reached the dark mouth of the cave that would swallow him up as soon as he loosened his grip on the sides of the cavern. With a deep breath, deep as he was capable of, he let go. The dark beast sucked him into its gullet and Owyn's world disappeared into total darkness...


Owyn saw a dim light.

It was hazy and without form but it quickly began to grow in intensity and definition, and rushing beside it -- pain. A dull throbbing pain in his head and limbs that hurt more with each beat of his heart...

His eyelids flickered open and he could make out Gorath's form standing over him, though it was shrouded and somehow unreal, like a dream. But he knew it wasn't a dream, he knew he had survived his trip through the water cave, and with the realization he was alive he managed to whisper hoarsely, "If you EVER put us through that again, I will invent a cantrip whose sole purpose" he began to speak more rapidly and coherently, "is to cause you to fall desperately in love with a warthog -- may the two of you live happily ever after!"

Gorath smiled, unusual for the normally sedate moredhel, water still dripping from his hair. "I'm glad your sense of humor has returned. When you came up on the river banks and did not breathe, I was afraid you were lost."

Owyn stood slowly and painfully. Gorath helped him with his pack and soon they were ready to leave.

It's assumed that Obkhar slips out behind the party, though I like to think he just saunters out the front door after we butchered all the guards rather than risking his life in an icy, underground river.

Let's hoof it back to Armengar and chat up Irmelyn.

He is as reputable as I have heard of him. It could also be that he wished to save you your life.

Save your blade for someone more deserving. I will pay your fee. Two hundred gold and not a royal more of it.

Food in our bellies and beds to rest on, an acceptable exchange for a man's life. Our business is at an end, Irmelyn. Good fortune and health to you.

If we hadn't already found Cullich, Gorath would also ask about her and Irmelyn would tell him where she was living. Now, in the book... rather than gold, Irmelyn helps smuggle Gorath and Owyn out through the Inclindel Gap, and Cullich lives close to it, and they visit her on the way out. Here, Irmelyn just goes back to getting drunk at Armengar and lets Gorath and Owyn wander south on their own.

BaK posted:

Gorath swallowed hard.

The moredhel moss troopers guarding the bridge greeted them with icy stares as they approached.

"No one shall past this point without word from Moreaulf," threatened one of the guards. "Do you know the password?"

Gorath shook his head.

The guard eyed him suspiciously, then motioned to Owyn, "Your mercenary friend is a bit lean, don't you think? He's only a stripling."

Without dropping his gaze, Gorath replied, "He is no mercenary, but a spy sent from the Kingdom to steal secrets from the Six. He has told me where other soldiers are waiting in the hills. The Six told me I am to go and find if the boy is telling the truth..."

The guard didn't even hesitate, "The Six have no authority to tell you to do so. Only Moraeulf can authorize passage across this span. Now leave, the both of you, before we run you through."

Now, we have two ways we can do this. We can haul ourselves back up to Harlech, use magic to sneak in and talk to Moreaulf again, and then because he's a moron get the password out of him. Or we can take another step forward and cut these idiots to ribbons.

We get advantage, and they have Ogres, which means Evil Seek wipes out almost the entire formation in one shot.

The survivor gets hit in the spine by a Flamecast while he tries to make good his escape, since an arrow from Gorath wasn't enough to wipe him out. These ogres are actually pretty tough if you don't wipe them out with Evil Seek.

On the far side is another cluster of enemies, and even if you talk your way past the ones on the north side, the ones on the south side will recognize you and start a fight.

They also beat me on ambush which eats into Owyn's powder bag stash as he paralyzes the ones that get up in his face to avoid getting hacked to bits while Gorath lays about him with his sword.

Finally, we've destroyed the last group of enemies between us and escape from the Northlands.

We get a moment to loot the bodies, but as soon as we start moving south...

BaK posted:

A man approached them.

Still breathing heavily from their fight, Owyn barely managed to wave a greeting at the Kingdom soldier who lumbered towards them.

It is very important that you take us to Prince Arutha.

What?! The cold's gotten to you, boy. What makes you think I'm going to take time off from my duties and trot your behind down to Krondor?

Prince Arutha isn't in Krondor. He's likely still stationed with his Krondorian Lancers just outside of the Dimwood near Sethanon. We need you to escort us to his camp.

Why would he be there? And why would he want to see a boy and a moredhel?

The Prince just sent us to spy on them, all right? They'd never suspect a scrawny nineteen year old boy and a moredhel, so...that's why he sent us. We have information about a planned attack on the Kingdom and it's vital we get this information to him.

How do I know you're telling the truth?

You don't, but if you don't take us and the moredhel overrun Northwarden, do you really think you're going to be able to sleep with yourself?

I have to give you one thing. If you're a gambler, you sure don't bid low... Come on, let' s get moving. The Dimwood's hell and back from here and the Prince won't want to be kept waiting. Let's move.

Just get us the hell out of here, Lieutenant. The sooner the better.

Very interesting tale, but how do I know a word of it is true? How can I believe that this scroll you have given me is the genuine article and not a forgery trumped up by Delekhan?

I was very explicit with you before, Gorath. I refuse to act until I have word from Seigneur James!

He told us to give you a message, but it's...odd, sire.

What exactly did he say?

He said to tell you that there's a party at mother's...

...and a good time will be had by all. Gods, Laurie and Jimmie used that phrase years ago! All's right then! James has just saved the pair of you your necks and me a good portion of grief.

Now I must settle down to the matter of finding out what Delekhan is thinking. If this report is correct then the best force he could muster would number at the most two thousand warriors, a pitiful spit in the eye for a castle assault.

You believe he has something else in mind.

Undoubtedly. As James indicated in his brief note, it would take some spectacular strategy on Delekhan's part to take the castle, and honestly, he has never displayed that kind of wit. We faced him before when he was still a field captain for Murmandamus. Wherever he is going he will no doubt hit fast and run for high ground. Now we have to establish where that high ground is.

Shall we accompany you to Northwarden?

No. I have a much more important task for you, though I doubt you will find it as exciting. I need you to return to Krondor immediately.

Inform Master Magician Pug of the situation. Considering his tactics, I have a feeling Delekhan may have a few surprises in store for us. If that bastard brings anything magical to bear, I want to know what it is and how to counteract it.

You leave immediately.

BaK posted:

James' breath emerged from his lips as a frosty white cloud.

Below him, Seigneur Locklear negotiated scrub brush as he worked his way up the winding mountain path. He cursed expansively as a thorn bush caught in the chinks of his leg guards and he paused to throw his friend an exasperated frown. James smiled, then turned to look out over the snowy peaks that marked the boundary of moredhel territory.

Five hours after arriving at Northwarden, Baron Gabot had called both he and Locklear into his meeting room. While worried about James' story of Nighthawks, he was far more concerned that his magical adviser had not reported back from investigating possible moredhel activity. With a large band of the Dark Brothers approaching his castle, he feared that the old magician might have fallen into enemy hands, and so, reluctantly, he had asked the two Seigneurs to finish Patrus' job.

Locklear arrived puffing, his face haloed by mist.

"I thought I was going to have to come down there and carry you up," James said grinning. "You shouldn't have stayed up all night with that serving girl."

"I didn't expect to have to get up at the crack of dawn," Locklear growled, yanking a twig from his chain mail. "Mountain climbing and armor do not mix."

Suddenly, the two Seigneurs wheeled to the sound of a horrible mewling...

Go way. I'm busy right now agitatin' this here moredhel...

Begging your pardon, but I am Seigneur James...and this...and this is...Seigneur Locklear. We have been the Baron You are his magical advisor, aren't you?

Just Patrus, please. I don't ken to titles much. Glad to meet you. I've just been out trying to get some information about these moredhel. They've been gettin' too close to the castle and it was makin' my tongue itch. Man can't respectably eat thataways.

Have you...learned anything about the attack?

Only that there's six companies of 'em out creepin' in the woods somewhere, but I don't know exactly where yet. I think they've got their own magicians, too.

Magicians?! The Baron will be sorry to hear that, I'll wager. We need to return to the castle. Which way would be quickest?

I'm sure that defending Northwarden will be completely without any snags or problems considering that the call for reinforcements has been delayed for over a month while Gorath and Owyn got kidnapped, spent three weeks in a dungeon, then spent several weeks hanging out with witches, visiting Gorath's fangirls and getting high on mine fumes.